The California Breathing Initiatives and Information for Asthma Advocates in California are accepting nominations for the 2012 Achievements in Respiratory (AIR) Health Awards. Goodness, that is really long! If your school or district has successfully created a healthy, asthma safe environment, you could rack up some bucks!
Up to 15 schools and 3 school districts will receive:
- $5000 (for school districts)
- $1000, $1500 or $2000 (for schools)
- Publicity for their school’s/district’s efforts
- A trophy
- A commendation letter
- A seal for the school’s letterhead and website
Two conference calls with more information are available:
- March 6, 4PM
- March 12, 4PM
- Please dial (866) 710-4930, access code 7276877
Deadline for nominations: March 30, 2012
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