Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
I am so excited to have 1,000 Facebook Fans! I never dreamed to achieve that milestone at all. Nor did I expect the overwhelming response from readers for the content of Penniless Teacher. My original intent was to welcome each and every new fan personally. Maintaining that goal worked well for the first 6 months and I apologize to everyone I failed to recognize by listing your name.
Blogging is so much fun for me. I adore receiving communications through comments, private message and emails from teachers who have won a contest, grant, sweepstakes or giveaway posted on Penniless Teacher. Excitement doesn’t begin to describe my feelings. Please let me know when and what you have won. I have grand illusions of creating a winners board.
As a former teacher, I know how valuable your time is. My goal for posting is the KISS method, striving to keep it short yet informative and relevant.
In the next couple of months, I am pumped to be participating in THE largest blog conference to learn everything I can soak up. Schmoozing with potential sponsors is at the top of my list–wink, wink!
How can I make Penniless Teacher more valuable to you? What would you like to see added, deleted or changed? Go ahead, I can take it (sorta)!
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