I found a nice little Pinterest sweepstakes. Buydig.com Back to School Pinterest Sweepstakes, where the person with the most repins will be the winner.
Winner receives $100 Buydig e-gift card
2 Runner-Ups will receive $50 Buydig e-gift card
Sweepstakes steps:
- Be a fan and follow Buydig on Pinterest
- Create a new Pinterest board named, “Buydig BackToSchool Basics”
- Pin 3 MUST HAVES that need or want for school from Buydig.com
- Pin this image to your board (there is no link, I’m assuming it is the sweepstakes picture above.)
- Enter your info on the Buydig blog
I only see 8 entries so far. I’ve created my “Buydig BackToSchool Basics” Pinterest board with a variety of items that would be handy in a classroom. Feel free to repin any of pine (wink, wink). If by some act of Congress, Penniless Teacher wins, I’ll give the prize to one of the re-pinners. Heck of a deal, huh?
Ends August 31, 2012
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