A presentation tool for both teacher and student.
Challenge students to create a buncee for Earth Day….they even give you the Common Core Standard!
ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.
Buncee should respond to this question: “What could your school do to help protect the Earth?” I love seeing the suggestions students come up with because it’s really simple for them.
Three categories level the field for students: K-2, 3-5 & 6-8. Detailed entry requirements for each category can be found at the entry link below.
Prizes for EACH category:
1st Place:
- $200 Amazon gift card (for an awesome year end party)
- bunceeEDU Plus subscriptions for up to 300 students
2nd Place:
- bunceeEDU Plus subscriptions for up to 100 students
Ends May 15, 2015
Enter teacher giveaway here
Thanks Francesca
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