We’re in the home stretch…..
All First Prizes have been awarded, the next and last drawing will be for the GRAND PRIZE! Keep advertising and promoting within your school community. Who has a good gimmick you would like to share? Offer an ice cream party for the #classroom whose parents enter daily through this entry period. Solicit the students to remind their parents each evening. Those little minds don’t forget – and will bug the snot out of their parents for pizza!
Box Tops For Education (@BTFE) promotion, Send Cheer to Your School. Talk to your #Principals, #PTO, #PTA, for entire school promotion, and make sure to add to your #classroom newsletter for the school year. ENTER DAILY.
One school will win:
- 100,000 Bonus Box Tops
- $5,000 worth of @AveryProducts
- $5,000 worth of Ziploc Products
FOUR Schools will win:
- 30,000 Bonus Box Tops
- $2,000 worth of Avery products
- $2,000 worth of Ziploc Products
Award schedule
- Sept. 26, 2013 First Prize
- Dec. 29, 2013 First Prize
- March 6, 2014 First Prize
- Apr 23, 2014 First Prize
- July 17, 2014 Grand Prize
Look at this ending date of July 17, 2014!!! nope, not a mistake!
Enter more DAILY contests/giveaways HERE
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