Do you have non-verbal students who could desperately use a communication device? PRC is giving away ONE Accent 700, retail value $4,995! For prize of that value, you usually have to write a book to qualify—NOPE, not this one. Simply enter your name, email and phone.
Ends Mar 15, 2013
Thanks Kristen G.
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Catherine Partin says
I would love to win one of these. My nephew is Autistic and fails to communicate orally with anyone. He is 8 years old. This would be something he could take to school and home daily. His OT is also the OT at my school and I _know_ she would work with him using this. His Autism Specialist would also use this with him.
Tracey Wendel says
As a special education teacher, I always have students who need help with communication. This year, I have a student with a trach and an autistic student that has difficulty with communication. It would be used!