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Ends at 12:01 am, August 6, 2012.
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I would love to see ANY type of grant opportunities to continue to be posted. Any grant is a good one! 🙂
I would love grants for books! This is something we need schoolwide for classroom libraries and take home reading.
grants for books would be very helpful. field trip/ busing grants would be greatly appreciated as well.
you’re always on top of it! grants for books are always helpful
i lov eit
Technology grants
Any grants are great! I particularly tend to be drawn to math or technology grants.
A grant to help teachers of students with special needs would be great! The amount of manipulatives, technology, and other items that can help this population is endless, but also very expensive. Schools are having a hard time making ends meet, and therefore, the needs of special needs students fall by the wayside.
I would love a grant for sets of texts for small group reading instruction. It’s no fun trying to scrounge up books from the different teachers on your grade level!
All grants are good grants……
Organizational supplies. But really, any grant opportunity is awesome!