With over 30 years of classroom teaching experience at Pennlilessteacher.com, we have received enough gifts of mugs, candy, candles and apple adorned products to last 5 lifetimes. Include your educational product in the 2013 Teacher Gift Guide.
Inclusion in the 2013 Teacher Gift Guide by Penniless Teacher includes:
- Short write up of product
- Permalink
- Links to purchase product
- Picture of product
- Facebook post about the product
- 2 Tweets about your product
- Ongoing promotion of holiday gift guide
- Feature on 2013 Teacher Gift Guide Penniless Teacher Pinterest board
View vital statistics on Penniless Teacher? Click Here.
Marketing Options:
- Giveaway (no fee when we receive the product to review, $25 if we do not receive the product)
- Gift Guide inclusion only – no review ($50 for image, brief description & link)
- Sponsored Post & Gift Guide Inclusion (If you are unable to provide a product – $100)
- Advertising Nov. 1 – Dec. 31 (Text = $50 | 125×125 image ad = $100 | 300×250 image ad = $200)
- Holiday Facebook Party ($400 for 1 hour)
When will the 2013 Teacher Gift Guide publish?
- Depending on the number of submissions, we plan to complete all reviews/giveaways on Dec 20, 2013. The begining date will be determined by submissions.
Will products be featured only as a group or would they each get their own post?
- Products will be featured in their very own post and as a group.
Will links to the product be included?
- Links to the product and vendor will be included in the post.
Where should the product be shipped?
- Shipping address will be provided in a follow-up email.
Anything is possible, just ask.
Contact Penniless Teacher at: PennylessTeacher@gmail.com